Saturday, May 18, 2013

4 months in

Four months in Colombia.
Great coffee, no surprise. 
It's been hard to fit in. I feel like I'm trying to dance with a partner and I just can't catch the beat. Which is fitting in the salsa capital of the world, I guess.
I wonder what I would be doing if I weren't here. Is the grass always greener? I guess that's why I've stayed.
The field... is always the best part, to me.
I work with great people. Amazing people. Competent people.
I think, however, that I made the mistake of thinking that a job that I love would be enough. Here in this foreign world, something is lacking. Excitement isn't enough, either, unfortunately.
It's funny to see how the world looks at gringos, from the outside. I like that part.
It's unnerving to see how many people are simply nervous around me at first take when they find out I'm from USA.
It's amazing, looking at the USA from the outside, every time. It's like looking at the popular girl at school, who really, although she knows everyone in the school adores and hates her, she really has no idea what it's like not to be popular, not to be the center of her world, what it's like to look at her from outside her circle of close friends.
But I love her, anyway. And I miss her.

I posted some new photos ( <---- top left). Cheers!

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